This is a private webpage for Center Leaders, Ministers and Music Directors interested in Angelika’s ministry services, presentations, teachings and music. If you are viewing this from your smartphone the Bio and written content is past the Videos, Audios and Photos. Angelika can design and provide event flyers if desired.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Click here. Phone 530 464-5111

MY MEDIA: Music Video: MAHALO, Ho’oponopono
MY MEDIA: Angelika Introduction 2018
MY MEDIA: Reverend Angelika conducts Sunday Service for Unity Grass Valley, CA, Jan 30, 2022
Samples from newest CD: LOVING GAIA, Healing Frequencies, Songs & Chants For Our Planet
Samples from Angelika’s other CDs
An eclectic collection of inspiring upbeat and meditative, devotional songs and chants in different languages, from various cultures and styles, composed between 2005 and 2017.

Angelika-Message-Brentwood Unity 2019 This 27 minute talk was given at Unity Brentwood California during Sunday Service in September 2019
MY MEDIA: (see left column for videos and audio samples, flyers, collages and photo gallery)
– SOUL PORTRAITS, Sample Flyers, Collages, Art with a purpose
LINKS: my website, YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram
TESTIMONIALS: from congregations and ministers
BIO: Angelika is an internationally renowned sacred music composer, recording artist, inspirational speaker, seminar leader, interfaith minister and counselor, originally from Germany, residing in Northern California near Nevada City. She holds a masters degree in teaching from the University of Saarbrücken, Germany and throughout her life pursued extensive studies of the world’s mystical and healing traditions receiving initiation and blessings from several contemporary saints, sages and spiritual masters of east and west. In her programs Angelika connects us to the healing frequencies of the subtle realms through guided meditations, inspired sharing, talks and teachings and her unique, healing music. She leads participants into a deeper state of alignment, peace, well being and connection with our own true nature sharing powerful, effective tools for transformation, both ancient and modern. Angelika is passionate about the shift of consciousness on planet earth starting with each one of us.
THEMES OF TALKS: Angelika will speak on a variety of subjects, you can request a specific theme or she can give you options. The main, over-lighting theme is Transformation, Freeing ourselves from old limitations and going to new places in body, mind and spirit, to connect to the Mystic inside, our divine potential and to heal the Mind of false ideas and identities.
– Falling Open when the World fall apart
– Life is our teacher
– Seeing it differently makes all the difference
– Tools for Transformation
– New Horizons
– How to give up suffering
– The many layers of spiritual growth
– From Magical Thinking to Conscious Living
– When the searching stops, peace IS
– The modern Mystic
– Discovering the unbroken presence in the human experience
– A journey into freedom
– Here – where freedom begins
– From suffering life to celebrating each moment
– Awareness is key
– How to experience a new reality
– Attitudes for spiritual success and fulfillment
– Trauma and Awakening
– What is worthiness
– A shift in Perception makes all the difference
– Om Purnamadaha, purnamidam….. From the whole comes only wholeness
– A Formula: Intention, Effort, Grace
– Stages of consciousness
INTENTION: My intention is that participants will take something useful home with them instead of just feeling good during the program, so that what I share can make a tangible difference in their lives.
I am passionate about breaking through our self-imposed limitations and old programs to create a new possibility for humanity as a family and for each individual to live with sovereignty, learning to enjoy and meet each precious moment fully.
I speak from my own experience and share eclectic, universal, spiritual, cutting edge tools for transformation that have been helpful for my spiritual growth. The wisdom and especially the state of mind of the saints and sages of east and west that I have studied with and been blessed by has become my own lived experience. It is no longer just intellectual understanding or longing. I can only lead others to where I have gone before. I keep growing and evolving with great passion and intention.
Although I make notes for each talk, I seldom look at them. I trust the flow and guidance of spirit to deliver through me what is most useful for the group present.
The music can be adapted to any orientation of any audience anywhere in the world. I learn new songs your community loves by request or I can introduce new inspiring songs from my extensive repertoire. I sing, speak and present at Unity, Spiritual Life Centers, Churches, Buddhist Meditation Centers, Hindu Temples, Business Centers, Colleges, Schools, Cultural Events, Nature Events, Weddings, Celebration of Life Ceremonies, Personal Growth Seminars, New Age Centers and Conferences, Yoga Studios worldwide, Indoors, Outdoors ….
– Sacred Music, the vibration and frequencies of this music invoke a state of being, of peace and connection. It works directly on consciousness because we are vibrational beings.
– Toning, Chanting, finding our own voice and frequency, plus a special DNA Potentiation modality.
– Tuning and opening the energy centers in our physical and energy bodies to clear mental, emotional and spiritual blockages.
– Inspirational talks / lectures (see above for details: How I present)
– Guided Meditations to experience highly coherent, harmonious spiritual states. The more we experience these states the more we create new pathways in our brain.
– Creating greater body/mind/heart coherence through techniques that facilitate a shift in brainwave frequency. Audio-visual tools, multi media presentations.
– Awareness exercises to bring us into the present moment, to the field of infinite possibilities, through conscious breathing, guided meditation, relaxation, intention and meeting what is here authentically.
– Pointing out some of the common traps and obstacles that spiritual seekers get caught in, using discernment and awareness.
– Soul Movies and Soul Portraits. We can use Retro-Intention to heal the mind of past stuck patterns and attitudes. And we can actively attract something new. I create movies and portraits with images that empower and make visible what healing and a new future would look like. The combination of inspiring visual input, affirmations and music is a powerful catalyst for changing the sub-conscious patterns of limitation.
MY MEDIA included on this page:
AUDIO: SONG SAMPLES From the newest CD: LOVING GAIA and Angelika’s other CDs.
A Sunday Service Message by Rev. Angelika, given at Center for Inspired Living (formerly Unity) in Brentwood, California
Music Video, 2019: FOREVER
Music Video, 2019: MAHALO, Ho’oponopono
Sunday Service talk and music Jan 30, 2022 for Unity in the Gold Country, Grass Valley, CA
Introduction Video 2018 (unlisted, please do not publish, ok to share with colleagues and others interested in my ministry)
ANGELIKA’S SONG LYRICS, some examples:
Mahalo, Ho’oponopono Prayer. by Angelika, May 5, 2019.
English Prayer by Angelika, Hawaiian words adapted from Hawaiian Ho-oponopono Forgiveness method of transformation.
Aloha. Divine source of all things, great spirit, creator, and Beloved Mother
Earth, Gaia, I thank you. I am sorry for everything I have said and done in
ignorance of our true nature to any aspects of us. Teach my heart and mind
to know you fully, so the rest of my moments on earth are lived with wisdom,
peace, presence and love. In unbroken communion and compassion for all life.
I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, Thank you.
Forever by Angelika © Angelika Schafer April, 3, 2019
In the light of truth all things are one
opposites dissolve, what was lost can come home again
to ourselves, to what we always were
as if we never left, but much more aware
more aware of the beauty, more aware of the love,
and this dance of creation, the dance into life
and back home again
Forever…. In the arms of love…. Forever…. Safe and secure ….
Forever… We are always here…. Forever….. in the arms of love……
Forever… in the heart of Love
Will you be a friend to Life: A poem by Angelika March 12, 2019
“Will you be a friend to life, will you let it be. Can you be at peace with things, can you really see, that everything is here to help you know that you are free. Can you embrace this life and all that it unfolds, even the less desired parts, and trust that it will hold – the key to your ever unfolding journey home – into your self.”
Friendship Song / Greeting Song: composed in Germany, March 18, 2018, Angelika Schafer
In friendship now I greet you, in truth here I meet you, I honor who you really are.
Namaste ….., Namaste, Blessed Be (this is one of several effective and fun interactive songs for the community to greet each other)
– My website:
– Facebook:–
– Instagram:
– Music Video FOREVER:
– Music Video MAHALO, Ho’oponopono:
– My YouTube Channel:
VENUES WHERE I HAVE GIVEN CONCERTS AND PROGRAMS (there are many more centers and locations worldwide where I have performed and offered seminars over the past 25 years, here are a few listed).
· Since 1994, Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center, Grass Valley CA: Sunday service talks, special music, Workshops, leading the spiritual exploration group.
· Other Unity and new thought Centers since 1996: Unity of the Redwoods, Mendocino, South Lake Tahoe Unity at the Lake, Spiritual Life Center, Sacramento, California, Unitarian Church, Grass Valley, California, The Lighthouse, The Gathering, Roseville California, The Spiritual Corner, Carmichael California, Unity of Davis, California, Unity of Santa Rosa, California, Asilomar California, for Unity Retreats, workshops and concert, 2009, 2010.
· Since 2006, ongoing: CLM, Celebrating Life Ministries, Interfaith Church without walls, founded by the late Ron Roth, currently lead by spiritual shepard: Paul Funfsinn, a modern mystic, healer and spiritual leader. 200 plus participants for each retreat. I am a presenter and support the CLM, WOH and EOH spiritual healing retreats with special music.
· Since 1998, ongoing: Sivananda Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, California, Bahamas, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Germany: Special concerts for holidays and retreats, leading workshops for adults and children’s spiritual yoga camp music workshops each summer.
· Since 1995, ongoing: Sierraville, Hotsprings resort and spiritual community, California. Every Christmas I provide festive music and other inspiration for the retreat guests during the Christmas holidays.
· Trails and Vistas, since 2008, ongoing, yearly outdoor weekend special event in the Lake Tahoe area. I also perform for the annual field trips for third grade school classes at Sand Harbor State Park, Lake Tahoe for Trails and Vistas, non profit, art/music/history/nature education trips.
· TOURS: extensive tours through Europe (once a year), Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, India
Tours in the US: California, Texas, Florida, Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, South and North Carolina, Washington DC, Washington State, Ashland, Portland, Oregon, New York, Omega Institute, New Jersey, Salt Lake City, Utah, Idaho, British Columbia, Canada.
· COLLABORATION: I have collaborated with various spiritual leaders, healers, saints and sages supporting their events and Satsangs. At retreats and programs with Amma Amritanandamayi, Karunamayi, Shree Maa’s temple for various spiritual festivals and events, the Ananda Community, John Mark Stroud, Matt Kahn program in Grass Valley, my music is played at Dr. Joe Dispenza’s advanced retreats. For darshan with Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma at Oneness University, Chennai India, for Swami Rishi, Swami Atmananda and for several Swamis and Saints of east and west and at various spiritual conferences over the years.
· LARGE EVENTS: 3000 people at a spiritual event at the World Trade Center in Taipei, Taiwan with Rahasya Kraft in 2007, Oneness Conventions in Adelaide Australia, and on the Gold Coast, Oneness Conferences in Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area and Washington DC, Ron Roth retreat in Palo Alto California, CLM retreats on east and west coast of the US and Chicago. Yoga Vidya Yoga Center in Bad Meinberg, Germany for the music festival in 2008, 2009, 2010. At HCC Hannover Congress Centrum, Germany for a large Oneness Conference (2000 attendees) in 2008 and 2015 in Kaarst Germany.
9-8-2019, Unity Brentwood California, Sunday service, guest speaker, special musician and workshop leader after Service: Angelika Schafer.
“I’m not sure how to put into words the feelings of connection to Spirit that Angelika helped invoke in me with her talk on Sunday. She has a gift of presence and Spirit connection with the community. She shares from her heart in a way that I felt she was speaking directly to me personally and my path to Spirit. I am listening to her beautiful Loving Gaia CD as I write this, wonderful. Thank you so much. ” Dave K. Brentwood Untiy
8-25-2019, Unity at the Lake, South Lake Tahoe – Topic: From Magical Thinking to Conscious Liv Notes from the congregation (guest speaker, special music and workshop after service):
Excellent, please come back. Simply beautiful, healing, loving, wise. Really resonated with me. So refreshing to have someone new! Keep bringing new speakers! Thank you! Lovely person, lovely musician, lovely meditation. Message was great. I enjoyed her personal journey story. Very interesting. Genuine, authentic, centered, engaging, great presence. Beautiful, inspiring celebration, both music and talk! I could feel her nurturing, loving presence. It was easy to relax and get into a meditative state. The congregation seemed very in tune and sang all the songs almost as one. Please, please let her be there with us again. Absolutely loved and absorbed her! Excellent music, inspiring, heartfelt talk. Spectacular! Members of the South Lake Tahoe Congregation.
8-31-2019 Davis Unity:
Angelika has just completed a new CD, gives Sunday talks and workshops and frequently provides music for other regional as well as international new thought communities. I have had the pleasure recently of working with Angelika on her new CD and am amazed by her spirit driven gifts and talents. Angelika would be a wonderful addition to our guest list. {music & speaking} David Tralle, music minster.
8-19-2017 Unity in the Gold Country spiritual Center”
I bought your CD Bhakti, when you led the chanting service at UGC. I just wanted to tell you how much I love it. I have been doing the chakra meditation and it is powerful! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us all. Blessings, Claire Palmerino, board of directors
7-25-2018 Lake Wildwood Spiritual Center, Penn Valley, California
Swami shared with me after the Satsang yesterday: Angelika is a Gem. The subtle amplification she does definitely transports the music to another realm, so the banal “room” we are sitting in becomes something very different, very sacred.
I had some moments Sunday in which I “couldn’t believe my ears” – and heard afterwards many others did, too. Robert Stephson, Satsang with Swami Rishi Avadhootananda
6-25-2017 CLM Retreat, Jamestown, New Jersey
My wife Lois and I listen daily to your special CLM (Celebrating Life Ministries) edition of your music which we purchased at the New Jersey CLM retreat. It lights up every day and brings us back to the constantly flowing river of God’s love. We are blessed by your music and would love to have more copies to give to our friends. We are so looking forward to our next CLM retreat. James Coon, CLM, Ordained minister
5-3-2016, CLM (Celebrating Life Ministries) Retreat,
What a gift to be with you and Padre Paul last Thursday night. I am deeply grateful for your gifts and presence. I did not realize that you were the artist that I have listened to for the past several years and I often use your music when I lead devotion in motion/rhythms as forms of body prayers. What a delight to me to be in your presence and hear your music live. With Gratitude Beyond Words, Diane Bush, Cephyr Cove, Lake Tahoe
6-29-2018, De Evolutie, Brugge, Belgium, special programs, concert and workshop with Angelika
Dear Angelika, your music captures the depth and breadth of our human search for the divine, oneness, peaceful power. Thank you for your inspiring words and musical gifts. I practice yoga listening to your music. I live in Belgium and with so many places around the world ridden by crises, a healing connection is asking to grow. When is your next trip to Europe? A friend of mine once told me about a house concert you celebrated in Haarlem/Amsterdam a few years ago? With warm and peaceful greetings, Sebastian Uhlmann, Belgium
12-12-2015 CLM West Of Heaven event, Marin, CaliforniaHi Angelika, My wife and I were so taken by your beautiful singing and music. Your contribution to the day was so important. Thank you very much! Stephen and Laurie Buehler, Marin, California